Project Description: Tic Tac Toe is a two-player strategy game played on a 3x3 grid. One player uses X and the other uses O. The objective is to place three of your marks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row before the other player does. Players take turns placing their marks on the grid, and the game ends when one player successfully gets three in a row, or the grid is filled with no winner. It is a simple and popular game often played by children and adults alikeTic Tac Toe is also known by other names, such as noughts and crosses or Xs and Os.
The game has a total of 255,168 possible ways to play, but only 26,830 unique games if rotations and reflections are considered identical.
The game has been studied by mathematicians and computer scientists as an example of a solved game, which means that a perfect playing strategy can be determined for both players, and a game will always end in a draw if both players play perfectly.
Despite being a solved game, Tic Tac Toe remains popular and is often used as a pedagogical tool for teaching children about strategy and critical thinking. It is also used in computer science as an introductory problem for developing AI and game-playing algorithms.