Project Description: Exploration of carbon monoxide gas in the atmosphere, which is the silent killer because it is colorless and odorless and is generated as a result of incomplete combustion in homes, factories and cars, as it leads to many health risks that may lead to death. This project is considered one of the important environmental solutions.
A Microbit chip was used, which is an electronic brain that works with artificial intelligence. A carbon monoxide (CO2) gas sensor (MQ 9) was used, and it was connected to the Microbit chip with fine wires. The electronic circuit was connected to the computer, and programming was done using the Python language via the Pictoblox application, where it is recognized the presence of gas, writing ((Danger) and a warning sound, and in the absence of Co gas, the writing is (Safe). The project was experimented with a burning candle and then extinguished. The presence of Co gas was detected, and the experiment was also done by placing the sensor with a burning candle inside a glass container, and when it was finished the candle is extinguished and toxic gases are generated. The presence of gas has been sensed and a warning sound has been issued