Project Description: This is a Python program that implements a simple blockchain. The program provides a GUI interface to create a new account and log into existing accounts. When a new account is created, the user enters their name, password, and balance. The password is hashed using the SHA-256 algorithm, and the account details (hashed password and balance) are stored in a dictionary named Account_list.
The blockchain is implemented as a list of blocks, where each block contains information about a transaction. A new block is created for each transaction with the sender, recipient, and amount of the transaction. The time of the transaction, the previous block's hash, and the sender's name are used to create the hash for the current block using the SHA-256 algorithm. The block's hash and transaction details are then stored in the blockchain list.
The program also provides a login interface to allow users to log into their existing accounts. The user enters their name and password, and the entered password is hashed using the SHA-256 algorithm. If the hashed password matches the one stored in the Account_list dictionary for the given name, the user is granted access to their account details